Policy and Publications
iPADIS promotes and helps develop aviation-related policies and programmes at the international, regional and national levels that incorporate the views and interests of user while meeting the needs and expectations of civil society.
iPADIS assists subject matter experts by providing a platform to increase visibility, generate awareness and subsequently facilitate debate and industry adoption of innovative ideas that advance environmental sustainability, social responsibility and financial viability of the aviation sector.
Model Policy and Guidance on Accessibility (MPGA)
iPADIS has developed a Model Policy and Guidance on Accessibility (MPGA) to assist States and concerned entities in developing and eventually implementing national policies, regulations and procedures that meet the need of disabled persons for “door-to-door” accessibility to air travel and tourism.
Persons with disabilities face significant challenges due to a poor culture of inclusion and a lack of awareness in many countries and societies. They face significant barriers to mobility, including in air travel, due to a lack of enabling infrastructure and harmonised accessibility regulations, procedures and best practices.
It is also important to note that persons with various forms of disabilities constitute over 15% of the world population and the aged population is increasing globally. These significant segments of society constitute a growing market of air travellers. Accordingly, enhancing accessibility is both a matter of social importance and an economic imperative for international air transport.
The establishment of international standards and procedures is essential to ensuring that all persons with disabilities, including a rapidly aging population in many parts of the world, have access to the same opportunities for travelling for business or pleasure as any other passenger, anywhere in the world.
The MPGA incorporates applicable international treaties, standards and recommended practices, pacesetting national regulations, industry best practices, as well as views from the disabled community. It is nonprescriptive, performance-based, practical and adaptable to specific architecture and scope of operations. In a user-friendly format, it outlines the minimum recommended service level targets that States and operators should meet and preferably exceed.
The iPADIS Model Policy and Guidance on Accessibility is a framework that stakeholders can use in optimising their operations and services to meet the needs of the disabled community.
The MPGA is available at the Shop.